Monday, July 25, 2016

Ghent owl pigeons ( Gentse Meeuw )

Gentse Meeuw - Cravaté Gantois - wihte owl pigeons
Genter Mövchen -  Cravaté Gantois -  Ghent Owl  - Gentse Meeuw
Fancy pigeon Ghent Owl - or also known by the names : Cravate Gantois , Genter Movchen , Гентская сова - a variety that originated from Smerles and Flanders ( Belgium ) , which is known developed since the 1960s . Varieties are classified into types of OWL , is one of the main Movchen race in Europe, and have spread quite widely to various countries . Although it has a good ability to fly , but its development is intended only for appearance's sake .

owl pigeon - ghent owl - fancy pigeon - Genter Mövchen
ghent owl

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