Ägyptischer Segler - Swift Egyptien - Egyptian Swift |
The standards of the
Egyptians pigeons in Egypt have existed as early as the18th century. DR W.F. Hollander a leading geneticist and pigeon researcher from Ames, Iowa. USA had written an article in November 1982 in the late American Pigeon journal indicating that he had reviewed a copy of it (Mekkatube-Duerigen, 1886). The book describes many ES as he had exactly seen them during his 1981 visit to Egypt. The hand written book was copied by concerned fanciers over generations, which many revere as the foundation of nowadays, ES. The
Egyptian swifts were among several pigeons described in the book.
In 1938 an individual effort by Mustafa Gahnem led to more update of the standards. The book is found in leading libraries in Egypt.
The latest production is a combined effort by over fifteen leading Egyptian fanciers. The booklet includes all the flying Egyptian pigeons anf few Shamy breeds (Syrian and Lebanese). Basic sketches are included with each breed to illustrate its standards.