Wiener Kurze - Culbutant de Vienne à bec court - Viennese Short-Faced Tumbler |
Vienne Short-faced tumbler- or also known by the names:
Culbutant de Vienne à Bec Court, Wiener Kurze, Capitombolante Viennese a Becco Corto, Венский Короткоклювый Турман - are varieties coming from Vienna (Austria), which is actually one ancient races, has been known since the 1800s, but recently developed intensively in the early 19th century. Varieties which are classified into types tumbler this, its existence many associated with the name of Heinrich Zoralek, a breeder. This variety is already quite popular, but informed that only a few breeders who are interested in breeding them. Having the ability to fly was good, and the appearance is also quite typical