Wiener Weißschild - Culbutant de Vienne à bouclier blanc - Viennese Whiteside Tumbler |
Vienne Whiteshield tumbler pigeons- or also known by the names:
Venne Whiteside, Culbutant de Vienne à Bouclier Blanc, Wiener Weißschild, Capitombolante Viennese a Scudo Bianco, Венский Белый Щитковый - is one old race coming from Vienna (Austria), which developed since the second half of the 19th century, but based on the existing references, otherwise known since 1886. the varieties are classified
tumbler type is quite popular and has spread quite widely in various countries in Europe, mainly in Germany, Switzerland, Russia, and Czechoslovakia - but these varieties are still considered rare. Having the ability to fly was good, and beautiful appearance.