Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stapar Tumbler ( Staparskil Letac )

Culbutant de Stapar
Staparer Tümmler - Culbutant de Stapar - Stapar Tumbler  - Staparskil Letac

The Stapar Tumbler pigeons - or also known by the names: Culbutant de Stapar, Staparer Tümmler, Capitombolante in Stapar, Staparsky Thurman, Стапарский Турман - are varieties of Serbia, especially in the city Stapar and surrounding areas, who are informed have been developed since the century 18th, and is believed to be the result of crossbreeding of several races. Varieties are classified into types tumbler pigeons is recognized in the permanent standard in 1970. This variety is considered to be very popular, and has been widely cultivated in many countries in Europe and also in other continents. Having the ability to fly well, but captive breeding is done is more focused on performance development.

Culbutant de Stapar -   Staparer Tümmler

yellow pigeons - Staparskil Letac

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