Thüringer Goldkäfertaube - Pigeon Scarabée de Thuringe -Thuringian Goldbeetle |
Fancy pigeon
Thuringian Goldbeetle - or also known by the names : P
igeon Scarabee de Thuringe , Thüringer Goldkäfertaube , Colombo in Turingia a Collo Dorato , Тюрингский Золотой Жук - a variety that originated from Germany , particularly the region of Thuringia , which was developed since the 1930s ( which appeared between World War I and II ) . Varieties are classified into type this
color pigeons , believed to have kinship with Franconian race , Moravian Strasser , and Archangel . Although not yet widely grown in Europe , but this variety is well known , and many featured in various events . Having the ability to fly was good , but the aspects of appearance , especially the fur color , more concern.