Böhmische Flügelschecke, belatscht-Pigeon à ailes coloréesde Bohême pattu-Bohemian Tiger Swallow muffed |
Bohemian Tiger Swallow (muffed pigeons)- or also known by the names :
Papillote de Bohème , böhmische Flügelschecke , Farfaliatio in Boemia ( fantopolato ) , Чешский крыло Пинто - are varieties of pigeons that are actually part of the descent
Fairy Swallow , who came from Saxony and
Thuringia ( Germany ) , which began dinformasikan since 1958 , although there are hints that this race has been described much earlier ( Dürigen , 1886 ) . Varieties which are classified into types
colour pigeons , once unheard existence for decades - until 1960 , reported only two colors : black and reddish-brown .